#!/usr/bin/env sh # ufetch-armaan. My customized version of ufetch that doesn't print the ascii # art, and focuses on information that changes often. Ufetch was written # by jschx (Joe Schillinger), and is ISC licensed. # https://gitlab.com/jschx/ufetch ## INFO host="$(cat /etc/hostname)" os="Arch Linux" kernel="$(uname -sr)" uptime="$(uptime -p | sed 's/up //')" date="$(date +%Y-%m-%e)" time="$(date +%r)" locip="$(ip addr | grep "/24" | cut -d ' ' -f 6)" ## DEFINE COLORS bold='\033[1m' white='\033[0;37m' reset='\033[0m' lc="${reset}${bold}${white}" # labels nc="${reset}${bold}${white}" # user and hostname ic="${reset}" # info ## OUTPUT printf "${nc}${USER}${ic}@${nc}${host}${reset} ${lc}OS ${ic}${os}${reset} ${lc}KERNEL ${ic}${kernel}${reset} ${lc}UPTIME ${ic}${uptime}${reset} ${lc}DATE ${ic}${date}${reset} ${lc}TIME ${ic}${time}${reset} "