Modeling the Effects of Norepinephrine Concentration on Working Memory in the Prefrontal Cortex with a1 and a2 Receptors. Python model doing the above. Part of Boston University RISE 2021. Julia Tomaszewska, Armaan Bhojwani, Thalia Inui, Nitsueh Kebere, Dr. Marianne Bezaire. The work in this repository was in-part derived from "Effects of Guanfacine and Phenylephrine on a Spiking Neuron Model of Working Memory" by Peter Duggins, Terry Stewart, Xuan Choo, Chris Eliasmith. Usage ===== Create and activate a new virtual environment: python3 -m venv venv . ./venv/bin/activate Install necesary dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt Modify as needed: vi Run simulation: python3 An overall progress bar is shown during the simulation, and more detailed results are stored in a log file. Logs and charts are stored in ./out/. The simulation will be skipped if a file named simulation.pkl is present. It will be loaded and used instead of the simulation being run.