stagit ====== static git page generator Usage ----- Make files per repository: $ mkdir -p htmldir && cd htmldir $ stagit path-to-repo Make index file for repositories: $ stagit-index repodir1 repodir2 repodir3 > index.html Install ------- $ make # doas make install Dependencies ------------ - libgit2 (v0.22+). - C compiler - make Documentation ------------- $ man stagit $ man stagit-index Features -------- - Log of all commits. - Log and diffstat per commit. - Show file tree with linkable line numbers. - Detect README and LICENSE file from HEAD and link it as a webpage. - Atom feed log. - Make index page for multiple repositories with stagit-index. - After generating the pages (relatively slow) serving the files is very fast, simple and requires little resources (because the content is static), only a HTTP file server is required. Cons ---- - Not suitable for large repositories (2000+ commits). - Not suitable for repositories with many branches, a quite linear history is assumed. - Relatively slow to run the first time (about 3 seconds for sbase, 1500+ commits), incremental updates after it are faster.